This week on Limited Resources Marshall welcomes Graham, Kathleen, and James from Loading Ready Run on the show! We talk Khans of Tarkir, teaching Magic, their role in the Magic community, and Desert Bust for Hope.
You can find everything LRR related here:
Desert Bus for Hope:
You can support Limited Resources on the LR Patreon page here:
Your Host: Marshall Sutcliffe
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Music by Man Bites Dog and Josh Woodward
Contact Marshall_LR on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan.
I have some concerns about the trivia.
Mox Lotus definitely has a larger activated ability cost than Spawnsire of Ulamog(but, as it’s an un-card, I understand ignoring it)
I believe you missed Aura Swap in your “only one card with this mechanic”.
Otherwise, some really interesting trivia.
LRR were also the ones to get me in to LR. It was with the previous ep 182 cross over. Even though I’d heard of LR before that from them, I didn’t think I would get in to a truly nuts and bolts spike-y MtG show. However, it was definitely a gateway episode and I’ve burned through much of the LR archive since then 🙂
I’m not gonna lie, the first time I saw the LR logo was during the Friday Nights episodes as well! To me, Marshall, you’ll always be the Oracle of Theros.
I only realised when you were discussing it that I was also directed to LR from LRR.
Also, another creature from Theros block as the only one of its creature type: Thoughtrender Lamia.
I also found you and LR through LR Friday Nights Theros skits
Great show guys! I discovered LR and LRR separately, so it’s awesome to hear you on a cast together. Definitely would love to hear James back on again, solid co-host material there.
Inormoatifn is power and now I’m a !@#$ing dictator.
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Thanks to google. I browsed to see how these birds look and they are wonderful actually. I never know most of the birds u mentioned here. That sounds interesting journey buddy.Congrats for being best blogger 🙂
Does anybody have a link to the paupercube that was talked about?