This week on Limited Resources Marshall and Luis walk you through every common and uncommon in the Ravnica Allegiance Set Review: Commons and Uncommons! Every single card is picked apart for all the juicy value it could produce, and so that you’ll feel good going into your prerelease, release, and subsequent events!
Azorius: 0:05:40
White: 00:20:03
Orzhov: 00:47:40
Black: 00:58:32
Rakdos: 01:24:46
Red: 01:37:54
Gruul: 02:01:50
Green: 2:12:55
Simic: 02:35:03
Blue: 02:46:46
Colorless/Land: 03:10:00
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Your Hosts: Marshall Sutcliffe and Luis Scott-Vargas
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Great set review ep! Thanks so much for this. LR is my favorite show and has been for a couple years. Please, Marshall, let LSV keep his sound board! That outro music cracks me up every time 🙂
Outro needs to stay! 🙂
Once again, another magnificent podcast. It is one of the few things i look forward and enjoy most in the year, and enjoy repeatedly. Keep up the great work guys. I can’t wait to for the next one.