Limited Resources 482 – A Fresh Look BREAD (And Why You Shouldn’t Use It)

This week on Limited Resources Marshall and Luis tackle one of the most often-cited tools for Limited players: BREAD. Bombs, Removal, Evasion, and some other words that nobody quite seems to know are often used as a heuristic for drafting well. Marshall and Luis do not subscribe to this school of thought and give you the reasoning why. But it wouldn’t be LR unless they DID give you their approach and you’ll get to hear that this week on LR! 

Also Let’s Stump Vargas returns 🙂 

Thanks to Ryan Spain and Brian David-Marshall for their contributions to the notes on this one! 

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Your Hosts: Marshall Sutcliffe and Luis Scott-Vargas

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3 thoughts on “Limited Resources 482 – A Fresh Look BREAD (And Why You Shouldn’t Use It)

  1. Guys, thanks for a great show. On the pre-sign-off chat about talking trash: Luis, with an immense amount of respect, I think you’re mistaken. More trash talk would not help overall. It would benefit insiders to the detriment of outsiders. Think of the people with different language skills. Think of those who don’t have name recognition. Those who are tuning for the first time. There is a reason why double-entenders are an art, it’s because the statement has to make sense twice -simply and figuratively- and that’s super hard to pull on the fly. I see a huge risk that coverage might be more cryptic / hermetic if you allowed trash talking, at least in a way that not properly circumscribed.

    • I second that. I understand that the level of seriousness at tournaments can be awkward, but I do not think trash talk will actually solve this problem.

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