LR Cube Rotisserie Drafts

Hey All,

Lee who runs the LR Cube drafts along with David “Asturiel” Stewart decided to do a Rotisserie Draft of the LR Cube. Pretty awesome idea, so I thought I’d post the drafts here for people who wanted to keep up on how they were progressing.

There are two drafts, for two different chunks of timezone.

EU/East Coast of US Draft:

West Coast/Central US Draft:

For those who missed my journey through the Modern Rotisserie draft or the subsequent matches on video, rotisserie draft is where the whole format (Modern in my case, the LR Cube in this case) is face up and draftable. So the first player gets to take ANY card from the entire cube. The draft is done via spreadsheet, so people can participate from different regions. After the draft(s) are finished, they’ll build their decks on MTGO and battle it out.

They have also created a Facebook page for the LR Cube, in case that is your preferred way to get updates.

I wanted to put this here as it’s an easy place to find the sheets and keep up with the drafts, but also to highlight something that LR listeners are doing as part of the community that is fantastic.

– Marshall


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