New Video and Retro Draft Primer Uploaded

Hey Value Fiends,

As part of the Kickstarter we hit a sweet stretch goal where Brian and I would make some more draft videos, as well as some Retro Draft Primers. You already know how the videos work, but the Retro Draft Primers are a new thing. Basically the idea is to provide you with an overview on how to draft a block from Magic‘s past.

We did our first one on Lorwyn block, and you can find it here: Lorwyn Retro Draft Primer

Thanks again for supporting the show, and we hope you enjoy the extra content!


12 thoughts on “New Video and Retro Draft Primer Uploaded

  1. Thumbs up for these! Enjoyable. Lands and spells get there again. Brian, you planning to use lands and spells on twitch again sometime in the future?

  2. Marshall, great videos. If you don’t mind me asking, it would be better I think if the draft videos for the set would be posted sooner, since now the dust is more or less settled, and the next set is about to come. My two cents.

    Thanks for all the awesome content.

  3. Very useful and enjoyable!

    However, I find that the content would have even greater value if you discussed the format that is currently going to be on Magic Online- for example, in this episode it would have been exceptionally useful if you would have talked about Morningtide as well as Lorwyn. Because, after all, as someone who never drafted the set before, I’d be very confused when opening the Morningtide booster. Should I switch to one of the new tribes? just ignore the new tribes?

    Despite listening to you guys for an hour, I am still lacking a VERY crucial piece of the puzzle. For the next primers, it would be cool if you could talk about the format as a whole, not only the first booster.

  4. Interesting deck, though not the one I would have built. If it were me, I would have windmill-slammed that Xenagos and tried to go RG ramp beatdown, but still keeping white as a backup plan in case someone was cutting green (though that wouldn’t be necessary, given the green that you got passed in pack 2 and especially in pack 3). I’m not saying that in hindsight, I actually decided to start tracking how the deck might be different immediately after seeing that Xenagos in the video. As you said yourself in one of your podcasts, BTT is a draft format that rewards you for knowing when/if one of your colors should be abandoned.

  5. ¡La galería de fotos es geniaaaaal! Deberían usarla en todas las clases de prr³eaaciÃpn para el parto. Voy a poner una moción en el Colegio de Obstetras y Ginecólogos y en la Asociación de Parteras Hispanas.

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  9. salut à tous,je n’ai assez de mots à laisser à cet épineux sujet, mais je pense que quelque soit les atteintes, comme cette polution, la grippe aviaire ou porcine, la vie aura toujours un sens. C’est pourquoi, nous aussi étant au moyen plan, nous devons nous battre pour maintenir le cap; afin que les puissants de ce monde sachent qu’il est et démeure ce qu’il est.Courage à tous!!!

  10. Actually funny story about it. After MD hit the pause button on my first free throw, I got back in line to see if I could shoot another and these 2 Canadian guys were in front of me trying to do the same thing. So they gave the guy this BS story about coming all the way from Canada and they needed to shoot a 3…so the guy lets them and he tosses up an air ball. Haha. Solid.

  11. Does anyone know our summer league roster? I heard some guys that went undrafted have joined the summer team. If anyone knows who will be playing on it (all the players) and could post it in the comments, it would be very much appreciated

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