This week on Limited Resources Brian and Marshall delve into the often-asked-about topic of Draft navigation. How do you know when to change colors? What is a signal? What should I do when my draft goes horribly awry? Listen and discover knowledge!
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Your Hosts: Marshall Sutcliffe and Brian Wong
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Brian’s Twitter:
Just wanted to say thanks so much for doing these podcasts. After playing MTG off and on since unlimited, I recently came back to the game after a few years off and realized I have never learned to draft! I’ve played limited for years but only sealed, never draft!
And frankly, the thought of learning how was daunting and something I didn’t think I could accomplish until I stumbled across the your videos & podcasts.
But now, thanks to your clear, concise explanations many of these concepts and are now becoming more clear to me.
Please keep doing what you do!
Well played, Brian, you glorious bastard.
Great show. Brian’s amazing <3
Really O-B-Wong Konabi?!
REALLY?! I haven’t been RickRolled in YEARS.
Just listening to TTC from LRR and they answered a question on results oriented thinking (and name checked your episode on the subject).
It made me realise the name of that perhaps makes it harder to describe. After all, we do care about results, the point of not being ROTY is that the result is not the be all and end all, it’s a single data point and the analysis is the important way to learn.
Perhaps ‘results as base’ thinking is the name for the way you want to be (RABT – rabbity?) Where you take a result, good or bad, and figure out why it occurred.