This week on Limited Resources Marshall and Brian cover their initial impressions of Khans of Tarkir Limited, and Brian makes a big announcement about his future with the show.
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Your Hosts: Marshall Sutcliffe and Brian Wong
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Music by Man Bites Dog and Josh Woodward
Contact Marshall_LR on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan.
Thanks for everything Brian 🙁
Thanks for all you’ve done on LR. I know that you have helped me get better and drafter. I masonry to see you go.
Maybe if he got some of that sweet sweet kickstarter $ he would have more free time. Sad to see you go Bwong, wish you got to life the dream like Marshal.
Brian is obviously the focus of this and I’m so sad to see him gone, but a note about the sign off music. Part of what was so great about WWPJ is the sort of big noisy immersive sound it had. You really got a sense of, alright guys the music is gonna just grow and just eclipse the talking and the voices. I loved that, and I know we can’t have WWPJ anymore but they can’t be the only ones with that sound.
This really sucks…thanks for everything. , Brian. Your insight has been invaluable and I’ve really appreciated your time on the podcast. I will look forward to the shows when you are around!
Hi Brian,
Thank you for investing your heart and soul into Limited Resources. The 70+ episodes you have done with Marshall have all been hilarious and insightful. The consistent quality of LR episodes is proof of the many hours that you and Marshall have toiled in order to provide us listeners with only the best. The fruits of your labor are here for posterity, so we can always re-listen to episodes to become inspired.
I only started playing competitive Magic 6 months ago, during the end of Theros block. Your and Marshall’s training helped make me feel comfortable enough to take the plunge into the world of limited magic. Now I play all the time and feel that I can stand toe to toe with the best. Win or lose, every match is a fun learning experience.
Though saddened by your departure, I wish you the best in your future endeavours and look forward to your next episode. Here’s another *DING* for levelling up, as you move forward to your next stage in life.
Best Regards,
Wow, did not see that coming. Brianosaurus, hope it all turns out as you hope it does.
Also: as to skipping next week, either do a show with BDM or maybe, just maybe Brian can do a signing off show?
Sorry to hear you’re leaving the podcast Brian.
Thanks for all of the great advice you’ve given us!
Hope to hear you again some time on a future episode of LR or even on the 1 for 1.
From the deepest part of my heart, Thank YOU Brian Wong. You and Marshall have inspired me in playing this game.
Listening to LR on my drive to FNM have been my ritual since I started playing magic 9 months ago. Your knowledge and insights have helped me grow leaps and bounds, way faster than I could ever achieve by myself.
Sad to see you leave. But like Marshall, I’m excited for you and your plans. Hope to see you back on the show, soon enough that I won’t miss you too much (that probably won’t happen)
Until then… *playing Brian Wong sign offs episode on loop*
It’s like when O-B Wong was fighting Vader and he’s like, “If you strike me down, I’ll become more powerful than you could ever imagine.” We won’t have B Wong with us every week, but in the important battles, he’ll be with us. As we build our deck, he’ll be the mysterious voice in our hearts and minds saying “Luke. Don’t skimp on your mana base, Luke. Trust the fundamentals.” and “Fear leads to ROTYness. ROTYness leads to hate. Hate leads to the dark side.” and “Only a Sith deals in absolute rules when it comes to whether or not to mulligan.” Good luck out there on whatever ridiculous thing you could possibly prioritize over helping a faceless throng of strangers play a card game.
Love it David – well said!
I was sad to hear about Brian leaving the show. I understand his reasons and would like to thank him for everything he has given since his first episode. I have learned a ton of stuff about limited magic as well as magic in general.
Good luck in the future Brian, and once again, thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
Well, now my username that I use for this forum will be irrelevant 🙁
This inteoducrs a pleasingly rational point of view.
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Anne Billington ZellerI’m so sorry to hear of the passing of your sweet mother. I met you guys when I would come to visit my parents, Tom and Fran Billington, when they lived behind your family in Provo. She just radiated sweetness. I’m so sorry she had to leave you, but happy that she’s no longer in any pain or discomfort. My prayers are with you.
So good to hear how things are going! Sometime soon I’d like to get you and Jonathan on the phone or on chat and talk about what y’all are doing. Glad I can keep up with you on your blog.
Does this mean that you will now be focusing on dominating the Pro Tour?
Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flaegbrbasting.
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This is so well deserved. Thank you to CH aka the Maker for giving us 12 amazing books in this series. I’m already in post-Deadlocked withdrawal and can’t wait for DEA. It is gonna be a long year. 1 likes
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I just found LR about the same time Brian started, so to me he’s been the cohost the whole time. Going to miss your insight and humor, best of luck with everything and thanks for all the time and effort you’ve put in to make this such an awesome resource.
I’m going to miss everything you brought to the show Brian. Your insight into limited play is truly invaluable. I have learned so much and continue to keep improving every day. I will dedicate my draft tonight at FNM to you Mr Wong!
Also, I usually listen to this podcast while I’m at work. I work in a relatively quiet office setting, so there’s been times you and Marshal have made me burst out in laughter and I’ve gotten odd looks from everyone around me. Thanks for the great memories!
As a late joiner (september 2013), it’ll be weird for me, you’re totally a part of what the podcast is!
Well, though, I can understand pretty well you’re motivations, and I guess many of us went through similar situations – when something, even if it’s fun, starts eating too much of your time and of your life, it’s time to stop!
I wish you all the best and hope to hear you still frequently there!
Helmer and Shelly told me they’ll miss you too!
I’m a stranger to you but you have been a pathmage for my continued improvement in a game that I love, in one of those things that I take time to enjoy (most) every day as you say in your sign-off.
I turned my best friend on to the game about a year ago, and onto the show maybe a couple months ago. Your talking points have been the subject of a couple of our conversations. He’s gonna be crushed when I tell him the news tomorrow when I go over to draft in the esprit de LR.
Anyway I’ll get to the point. I used to be outright afraid of drafting and would only play Sealed format if I had to play Limited. My best friend told me today that we earned a few Quality Points for the few occasions we 3-0’d our drafts. I’m sure this amounts to nearly nothing but it hit me as some small sense of accomplishment, like I actually put something up on a global scoreboard. I know without a shadow of doubt that this is in no small part thanks to you. So you have my heartfelt thanks. May your hands always be keepable and your draw steps valuable.
For the LR Clan!
Jeremy from Delaware
Brian, thanks for everything!
I started playing Magic about a year ago and was introduced to LR shortly afterwards. Since then I have enjoyed listening to every podcast and learning a tremendous amount about the fundamentals of Magic. The methods you use in evaluating cards and situations have helped me to improve not only at Magic but also at other card games and skill-based games. I’ve realized that there are always multiple layers of tactical thinking and I cannot thank you enough for your efforts and insights.
Thanks for all the wonderful shows Brian. It was great learning to play and improving in limited while you were the host. I look forward to listening to the show going forward.
There is a lesson here for all of the listeners. The cohosts of this show, much like the cards you pull in a draft, are limited resources. I too started listening to the podcast around the time Brian joined. I thoroughly enjoyed the chemistry these two had. I hope the show can continue being fun as well as informational. Best of luck to Brian in his future endeavors!
No… This must be a bad dream, right? My favourite entertainment is losing my favourite host.
Thank you B Wong for all the entertaining hours you brought us. For making me put in that extra running session, just to listen to the rest of the episode.
Your deep knowledge about the game, and your ability to explain it, will be missed.
Marshall you’re a great host and caster and I thank you for doing this. But to replace Brian will be a big challange. I hope you’ll find someone with the same depth in knowledge that can teach us another set of tricks.
I’m sorry Brian is quitting. He brought a lot to the show, and I’m not sure what comes next.
He really made good dialogues with Marshal, and lined up perfectly with Marshal’s previous co-hosts, and his strategic advice seemed sound basically all the time.
What comes next is not meant to insult Brian, it is rather an expression of how sad I am that the show loses him.
While I don’t want to mess with his decision about leaving the show, I feel the need to comment on what he said on the last show. What he said about investing too much time in to the show, in order to make it perfect, in particular. While I do appreciate his effort into thinking what strategic adivce he is giving, I also feel that the whole part about the signoffs is taking too much consideration. I mean, they are sometimes funny, but personally, I don’t think they are worth all that much effort, and if a co-host says the show is taking too much time for them, they would be the easiest thing to cut for me.
I come for Magic strategy. If some funny signoff is included for free, fine, thanks, but if not, doesn’t bother me either way. Honestly I often skip them anyway.
Again, I don’t want to insult Brian, and I respect his decision anyway. They way I recieved it on the show though, was that he kinda put up too much time into things where it wouldn’t even have been necessary. I’d rather have him do the show and the show only (without additional goodies) than to decide to quit because it all became too much.
Anways, thank you for all the good content! I wish you luck on your future endeavors, and hope you find the time to do what you really want to do at the time!
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