Limited Resources 319 – Oath of the Gatewatch Set Review: Commons and Uncommons

This week on Limited Resources Marshall and Luis do the Oath of the Gatewatch Set Review: Commons and Uncommons! Every single Common and Uncommon in the set is dissected so you can get the edge on your prerelease, release, and subsequent Limited events.

Timestamps by Color:


Green: 00:08:14

White: 01:01:48

Blue: 01:54:35

Black: 02:42:46

Red: 03:19:10

Multicolored: 03:54:12

Artifact: 04:08:57

Colorless(non Devoid): 04:17:45

Land: 04:28:00


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Your Hosts: Marshall Sutcliffe and Luis Scott-Vargas

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8 thoughts on “Limited Resources 319 – Oath of the Gatewatch Set Review: Commons and Uncommons

  1. Pingback: The January 15, 2016 Update - Mox.

  2. You guys are amazing!!! After listening to this podcast and following along on a card list I feel completely ready for my prerelease tomorrow. Your evaluations are spot on and have been helping me do much better at my last few events.

  3. I’m surprised to see they gave Strider Harness an F. I remember playing it pretty often in Scars draft. It kind of gives everything you play “kicker 1: +1/+1 & haste”. I’m not saying it’s all that good, maybe a D+ that I’d play in one of maybe every 4 times I draft it, but I’m surprised the said it’s completely unplayable.

  4. Pingback: The January 21, 2016 Update - Mox.

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