Part of the LR Kickstarter was doing more Constructed videos, so here is another run of Vintage videos for your viewing pleasure!
Part of the LR Kickstarter was doing more Constructed videos, so here is another run of Vintage videos for your viewing pleasure!
I had a sweet-ass time watching this. Cheers Sutcliffe.
I think you hit a bulysele there fellas!
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Nice review! Took mine for a run this weekend and I’m very happy with the data I got. Do you know if Polar will add support for creating Swimming and Tri-programs at That would be cool! Would be nice with some calculated altitude too since there isn’t a built in altimeter. Will they add support for that as well in the near future? Should be an easy task for their programmers. The Google API could be used for that if I’m not mistaken //Martin
may02mijhail Señor Don Quatermain, este chiste está muy bueno. Porque es sólo eso, un buen chiste.Tenemos que reirnos de todo y de todos. No seamos tan “polÃticamente correctos”, que eso es un fastidio.
OHIO VOTER FRAUD UPDATE:Get this out there, show this to everyone you know. In Ohio one of the many things transpiring…they have bus loads of NON-English speaking people, given interpreters to “help them vote”. The dems have been very aggressive at the polls, etc….