Limited Resources Special Episode – Signoff Compilation!

As part of the Kickstarter campaign, a stretch goal was that Marshall would collect the signoffs for the whole year and compile them into one show. It’s already been a year, and here it is, the signoff compilation episode. If you like signoffs, this is your show!

Thanks for the support! 


You can support Limited Resources on the LR Patreon page here: 

Your Hosts: Marshall Sutcliffe and Brian Wong

Marshall’s Twitter:

Brian’s Twitter:


LR Community Subreddit:

Music by Man Bites Dog and Josh Woodward

Contact Marshall_LR on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan.

Direct Download

13 thoughts on “Limited Resources Special Episode – Signoff Compilation!

  1. Incredibly entertaining! My top two include “Jon’s Email And Subsequent Mind-Slaving of Brian” and “Marshall’s Diary”. Almost fell out of my chair on both of those.

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    • I love that story, Mary..ha ha. I'm not sure if you could have picked a worse food to eat after your "sneaking." I have to admit, I love sausage with Bratwurst ranking very high…this sounds wonderful!

  2. Pingback: Brian Wong Steps Down as Limited Resources Cohost | Quiet Speculation - Learn. Trade. Profit.

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