This week on Limited Resources Marshall welcomes Ben Seck back on the show for the big M19 Set Review: Commons and Uncommons! Marshall and Ben go over every single common and uncommon in M19 in detail so that you’ll have the upper hand for your prerelease, release, and subsequent events!
Gold Pair Cards: 0:6:00
Red: 00:28:13
Green: 01:16:00
White: 01:57:30
Blue: 2:44:17
Black: 03:27:20
Colorless/Land: 04:00:17
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MTG Breakdown YouTube Channel:
You can support Limited Resources on the LR Patreon page here: LR Patreon Page
Your Hosts: Marshall Sutcliffe and Ben Seck
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LR Community Subreddit:
Contact Marshall_LR on Magic Online if you’d like to join the Limited Resources clan.
Is LSV done? 4 week’s in a row sans Luis.
Looks to be that way. There’s been a weird tension for a few months now and Vargas has been hinting he won’t be on the show after a certain point. My money is on Kenji Egashira filling the new cohost slot but who knows.
From LR subreddit:
“As Luis said on his stream last week, he and I are totally fine and haven’t had any type of falling out or anything. He’s on hiatus from the show while CFB and I sort some things out.
I’m doing my best to put out great shows in the meantime, and as always I appreciate your concern, as well as support for the show.
Thanks for your understanding and patience,
Marshall, you are a class-act, man. Professional, courteous, and talented. I came back to MTG with Kaladesh totally overwhelmed by all the changes since the 90’s (I was totally baffled by the lack of interrupts in my first booster, and what the heck is an aura?). A friend recommended LR after my first pre-release. Man, I have used your show to channel Wizard’s overwhelming creativity into a manageable and enjoyable challenge. Since then I’ve roped several old friends back into the game, hosted events myself, and even started a club at the High School I teach at. For me, LR was the turning point between drinking from the firehose to engaging with the format with the tools I needed not just to survive, but to have a blast.
Exemplar of a generative human sharing their talent with the world in an honest & wonderful way. Our planet is better because you are on it.
Ben Seck does a really great job, my choice if we are getting a new co-host.
Thanks for all your great content.